Dental decay is not life threatening but can be painful and debilitating with functional esthetic and psychological consequences. It is commonly referred to as cavities. Basically holes in teeth.
As we all know the combination of the naturally occurring bacteria in our mouths and sugary or starchy foods produces acids. These acids damage teeth over time unless removed by proper hygiene techniques. Cavities may take up to eighteen months to create sensitivities to sweet, cold or warm food. Some of us are lucky by having these common and acid forming bacteria in our mouths and never get cavities. Thank your parents for that sort of DNA.
A cavity can be repaired by a white (composite) or metallic (amalgam) filling :
White: Either a plastic or porcelain esthetic solution.
Metallic: The famous silver fillings, yes it is proven to be safe and long lasting but not as esthetically pleasing.
We'll be happy to answer your questions regarding proper options of treatments for you.